We are a RELATIONSHIP company. We believe that it’s the relationship people have with themselves, with others, and the world around them that ultimately impacts their health, wellbeing, and happiness. At Bluedoor we specialize in creating, forming, and nurturing relationships with like-minded people and organizations who share our vision and are passionate about making a difference.

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Open Positions

  • Digital Marketing Specialists
  • Designers (print, web, etc.
  • Editors and writers
  • Developers (WordPress, Magenta, Webflow, Hubspot, etc.)
  • Client Lead
  • Production Coordinator
  • Business Analyst / Market Researcher
  • Lee Phillips
    Lee Phillips
    Founding Partner
  • Michael Levy
    Michael Levy
    Founding Partner
  • Cindy Hallberlin
    Cindy Hallberlin
    Senior Partner + General Counsel
  • J. Kevin Tugman, MBA, AIGA
    J. Kevin Tugman, MBA, AIGA
  • Peter Arndt
    Peter Arndt
  • James Butler
    James Butler
  • Donald Goodwin
    Donald Goodwin
  • Emerson Huitt
    Emerson Huitt
  • Rick Melnyck
    Rick Melnyck
    Chief Operations Officer
  • Spencer Dorn, MD
    Spencer Dorn, MD
    Chief Clinical Advisor
  • Rosie Fitzgerrel
    Rosie Fitzgerrel
    Senior Designer
  • Mari Smith
    Mari Smith
    Digital Content Strategist
  • Matthew Floyd
    Matthew Floyd
    Strategy Lead
  • Natalie Anastasia
    Natalie Anastasia
    Editor & Content Development Lead
  • Ryan Johnson
    Ryan Johnson
    Video Creator
  • Josh Malaguti
    Josh Malaguti
    Research Business Analyst
  • Dr. Kei Alegria-Flores
    Dr. Kei Alegria-Flores
    Strategy Lead

In addition to our Founders and Managing Partners, our team is comprised of more than 40 industry experts and recognized thought leaders operating at the intersection of healthcare, business, science, medicine, and technology. This enables us to construct high-powered expert teams around specific client needs to ensure the delivery of best-in-class strategies and solutions.

Our Associates & Advisors

Dr. Jack Lord
Dr. Jack LordThought leader
Former Chief Innovation Officer at Humana, Jack is a nationally recognized leader in healthcare innovations. He currently serves on the board of several digital health companies, including Dexcom.
Dr. Jameelah Melton
Dr. Jameelah MeltonClinical Innovator
Board-certified physician dedicated to improving outcomes through innovative digital health and healthcare delivery solutions. Jameelah is Associate Director, Medical Strategy at ODH and former Medical Director at TouchCare.
Dr. Ian Chuang
Dr. Ian ChuangHealthcare Informaticist
Chief Analytics Officer at Medecision and former Chief Medical Officer at Netsmart. Ian previously led the development of care management and clinical decision support systems at CIGNA.
Heather Altman
Heather AltmanAging, Caregiving & Public Health Advocate
Heather specializes in promoting community-based initiatives addressing service delivery, workforce development and policy related to aging services, with particular emphasis on improving care transitions and supporting aging-in-place and caregiver resources.
Tommy Bohrmann PhD
Tommy Bohrmann PhDAdvanced Analytics
Unlocking VALUE from health relevant data through advanced analytics
Glenn Pearson
Glenn PearsonHealthcare Leader
Principal and founder of Pearson Health Tech Insights, Glenn brings more than 30 years’ leadership experience in healthcare, helping hospitals determine the effectiveness of emerging technologies.
Dr. Myla Bui
Dr. Myla BuiConsumer Health Champion
Founder of Nature’s Trusts and Associate Professor of Marketing at Loyola Marymount University. Myla’s areas of expertise include consumer health and welfare issues and nutritional labeling.
Casey Enders
Casey EndersInsights Director
Casey has dedicated her career to advising leaders – including philanthropists and senior executives at Fortune 500 companies, family foundations, the United Nations, and global health partnerships – on how to strategically evolve their organizations and teams to ensure their operations and people are positioned for the greatest impact.
John Petitte
John PetitteDigital Innovation and Development
John helps companies solve difficult technology challenges and navigate ambiguity to make sound decisions. He is the CEO and cofounder of Amplifi Labs, a full-service product development and staff augmentation agency.
Dr. Robert Furberg
Dr. Robert FurbergDigital Health Specialist
Senior Clinical Informaticist and Research Technologist at RTI International, Robert is helping discover ways to improve healthcare delivery through the use of emerging technologies, including wearables and sensors.
Chris Peronto
Chris PerontoClinical Innovator
Chris is a strategist who executes. His specialty is leading the complete lifecycle of strategy development all the way through delivery.
Steve Pacicco
Steve PaciccoStrategic Advisor to Early Stage Businesses
Strategic Advisor to Early Stage Businesses
Dr. Thomas Spain
Dr. Thomas SpainClinical Innovator
Director of Practice Improvement and Transformation at MidSouth PTN and Clinical Advisor at Digital Reasoning, Thomas is a systems-minded primary care physician and clinical innovator.
Marc Saab
Marc SaabClinical Innovator
Talented and passionate business leader with 20 years’ experience in Medical Device, Digital Health and Consumer Wearable markets. Expertise in all aspects of medical device product development from conception R&D to launch and commercialization for international markets, including regulatory compliance and strategic business development.
Jill Duffy
Jill DuffyClinical Strategist
Jill Duffy has held strategic clinical leadership positions, most recently as the Director of Operations for the National Oncology Program at the Department of Veterans Affairs. Her focus over the past several years has been designing and implementing Precision Oncology programs across the nation.
Dr. Greg Moon
Dr. Greg MoonPhysician-entrepreneur
Greg’s experience spans medical care, technology, clinical product development, strategy, marketing, and regulatory affairs. He was former CMO at Medibio and Director of Clinical Affairs at Proteus Digital Health.
Tere Calcines
Tere CalcinesDigital Health Specialist
Former EVP and COO at Berg, Tere is an experienced strategic planner with more than 20 years running clinical operations for the Dermatology Department in a major US health system.
Casey Boutwell
Casey BoutwellTech Commercialization
Casey is CEO of Bionica Labs, a digital health hardware development company. He previously worked at NCSU managing IP strategy and technology licensing, and at the NSF ASSIST Center driving technology commercialization.
Bill Kleinfelter
Bill KleinfelterSenior Healthcare Executive
Senior healthcare executive with leadership positions at WebMD and HealthGrades. Bill is currently Executive Vice President of Corporate Development at Quest Analytics, Inc.
Patrick McGowan
Patrick McGowanDesign Thinker
Patrick is Founder and Principal of the Service Design Group and a pioneer of customer experience and service design, innovation, and management for several Fortune 100 companies.
Tony Plesner
Tony PlesnerChief Financial Officer
Tony is an experienced senior finance executive who has led management teams in large and small companies, public and private organizations around the world.
Sherri Austin
Sherri AustinDesign Thinker
Design thinking practitioner and healthcare strategist for organizations including Kaiser Permanente. Sherri is passionate about designing and implementing programs that improve the care experience for patients and job satisfaction for staff.
Robert Jameson
Robert JamesonReimbursement Specialist
Bob is a 30-year veteran consultant in reimbursement, CPT/HCPCS coding, and claims payment adjudication and auditing. He is an expert witness in Medical Billing, Payment and Pricing and founder of Medical Reimbursement Data Management (MRDM).
Meryem Bektas
Meryem BektasSenior Research Analyst
Meryem worked as a research scientist in the fields of cancer, skin disorders and autoimmune diseases at renowned institutions including the National Institutes of Health, Duke University, Georgetown University and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

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