Bluedoor partners with entrepreneurs and start-ups to take their product from design and development, piloting and validation, through to successful market launch. Our team has decades of experience and a proven track record in the health space, while our collaborative network provides the expertise and infrastructure you need to develop, validate, and successfully commercialize your ideas.

Customer Discovery
Product Development
Piloting + Validation
Legal + Financial
Go to Market Strategy
SPOTLIGHT :: Introducing Sam™ by Digital Therapy
Through our partnership with IBM Watson® and Dr. Roger Gould, recognized by the Smithsonian Institution as a pioneer in the use of computers in psychiatry, we have developed the first artificial intelligence-driven digital therapy application. Sam™ is the first true cognitive digital therapy program to provide the value of insight and procedural facilitation that would otherwise be provided by a well-trained therapist. We are working with Digital Therapy to leverage their intellectual assets developed over the past 35 years to create a series of Watson-powered software products, starting with weight management. These applications will help people learn how to deal effectively with a variety of emotional and behavioral health issues that are preventing them from reaching specific life goals, including weight control, substance abuse, stress management and a variety of other common mental health problems that affect one in five of the world’s population. A beta version of Sam™ is now available at Talk2Sam.com.